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IASSW is the worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary-level social work educational programmes, and social work educators.

The IASSW promotes the development of social work education throughout the world, develops standards to enhance the quality of social work education, encourages international exchange, provides forums for sharing social work research and scholarship, and promotes human rights and social development through policy and advocacy activities.

Become a Member

An IASSW Membership offers a wide range of benefits to our members, and also let’s you support the organization.

Some of the benefits included in the IASSW Membership are reduced fees for biennial world conferences/congresses, access to the Social Dialogue magazine, access to a worldwide network of social work educators, eligibility to post job announcements, conference flyers, etc. on the IASSW website as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts, and more…

IASSW UN Representation

New York City Skyline

UN Representation — New York

UN Representation — Bangkok

Recent News & Announcements

IASSW: Regional Resource Centres

In March 2016 the first IASSW RRC was launched in the China Social Work Research Centre, a collaboration between Peking and Hong Kong Polytechnic Universities...
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In March 2017, the second IASSW RRC was launched in New Zealand, a collaboration between Massey University (lead), Whitireia New Zealand, Te Wananga o Aotearoa,...
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The Nordic Baltic Regional Resource Centre represents a new and exciting network of university based schools of social work and educators across...
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The East Africa Social Work Regional Resource Centre represents a new and exciting network of Schools of social work and educators across African countries such as Uganda,...
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IASSW Committees

Capacity Building

The IASSW aims to promote the development and expansion of social work education, in accordance with its mission statement and based on peer consultation. To this end, the IASSW Capacity Building Committee provides Programme Consultations, supports the development and maintenance of Regional Resource Centres, and plans and implements regular capacity building workshops/conferences.

IASSW UN Representation

The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) is a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1947. IASSW is particularly having a team at New York and Geneva and in process of representations at Bangkok, Nairobi and Vienna.

International Projects

IASSW invites proposals for projects, that are designed to advance social work education internationally. Grants of up to US $5.000 are available for proposals that can be expected to contribute to the implementation of the IASSW Mission Statement, and to the enhancement of collaboration among schools of social work world-wide.


The Research Committee of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) works towards strengthening Social Work Research.

Activities Of Research Committee

Click here for Activities of Research Committee

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Social Dialogue Magazine

Issue- 27: Wars and Armed Conflict : Voices from the Unheard

IASSW Announces The Release Of Social Dialogue Magazine # 27

International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) has launched its volume 27 on “Wars and Armed Conflict : Voices from the Unheard “.

IASSW Human Rights and Social Justice committee has gather articles for this 27th edition of the Social Dialogue :

Please visit for current and past volumes  : and share your feedback.

IASSW’s Message For Peaceful Engagement With Social Justice, Opposing And Condemning Racism, Discrimination And Violence

IASSW opposes and condemns racism, discrimination, intolerance and violence in all its pernicious and evil forms, and condemns those governments, quasi-governments and individuals who perpetrate racism, discrimination and support intolerance and violence. We condemn racist acts and people or industries that make and sell the weapons and other equipment that allow terrorists to carry out their violent intentions. Our condemnation does not change according to country, race, ethnicity, religion, or other circumstance. IASSW does support robust conversations undertaken in goodwill to address and resolve injustices around the world that have grown from years of oppression, colonialism, and religious and economic hegemony. The history of discrimination and oppression, however, cannot in any way justify contemporary violence and acts of terror and racism which can only perpetuate the oppressive cycle of violence, and do nothing to advance social justice or peace. The great religions of the world only advocate peaceful resolution of conflict and complaints. Social work educators also teach peaceful engagement for social justice in our classrooms, support it in our research, and are prepared to engage with anyone of goodwill who is interested in addressing and resolving historical or modern grievances with the goal of social justice and an end to racism and oppression in all its forms.