Survey on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
2023 marks the halfway point in the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The UN General Assembly will meet in September for a review of progress to date and plans to scale up efforts. The NGO Committee for Social Development is seeking input from people at local levels throughout the world. We would especially like short video statements that we can share with governments and UN officials. Written responses are also welcome.
IASSW reaching out to IASSW members to ask for your help. You can respond yourself. Or, if your students or your school has grassroots projects, you can seek input from them. Please assist us with this important effort. The attached materials further explain the project and specify guidelines.
The official deadline is soon—July 17. Please try for that date, Please send it by email to no later than 17 th July,together with the enclosed consent form to allow us to use your video.
The survey is available in
Thank you in advance for your help.
Lynne M. Healy, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Emerita
University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Hartford, CT  USA
Main Representative to the UN, International Association of Schools of Social Work