Call for Papers: Re-Envisioning the Social Work Profession, Education, and Practice

Call for Papers: Re-Envisioning the Social Work Profession, Education, and Practice Advances in Social Work Special Issue, Summer 2022 Re-Envisioning the Social Work Profession, Education, and PracticeAuthors should submit a title page and 300-400 word abstract by January 31, 2021 using the AISW portal. Please indicate the stage of completion of any research. Preference will…


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS    –   IASSW REGIONAL RESOURCE CENTRES To promote capacity building for social work education and training, the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) establishes Regional Resource Centres (RRCs) in different parts of the world. RCCs offer and coordinate capacity building initiatives, services and resources to member institutions.  IASSW invites applications from…

University of Gävle Scholarship for African Students in International Social Work

University of Gävle Scholarship for African Students in International Social Work The scholarship covers the entire tuition fee, but not living expenses, for studies at Bachelor of Science in Social Work – Specialization International Social Work commencing 30 August 2021. More details at:

Understanding Day To Day Social Work Teaching, Learning And Practice During COVID-19:A Global Perspective

Dear Colleagues This year with Covid-19 overwhelming our lives has been tough for everyone. Social work educators and practitioners, especially those involved in teaching social work students to become the best practitioners they can be whatever their setting, have had to address enormous challenges. Among many others, these include learning how to use remote technologies…

IASSW- International Projects Proposal (extended date of submission)

IASSW- International Projects Proposal (extended date of submission) Please note that IASSW has extended the  deadline for the submission of proposals until January 31st 2021. Let me inform you that IASSW annually invites proposals for projects, designed to advance social work education internationally. Grants of up to US $4.000 are available for proposals submitted by IASSW members that can be expected to contribute to the implementation of the IASSW Mission Statement, and to the…

Agenda Globale per il Servizio Sociale e lo Sviluppo Sociale 2020/2030: Co-costruire una Trasformazione Inclusiva

Agenda Globale per il Servizio Sociale e lo Sviluppo Sociale 2020/2030: Co-costruire una Trasformazione Inclusiva (Italian) Cari colleghi, in quanto Presidente dell’IASSW sono entusiasta che il processo della Global Agenda iniziato nel 2010 sia diventato un movimento mondiale. Durante i passati mesi l’IASSW ha condotto un’ampia consultazione tramite le nostre associazioni regionali e nazionali, e…


WORLD SOCIAL WORK DAY 2021 World Social Work Day is on the 16th March 2021. It is the key day in the year that social workers worldwide stand together to advance our common message globally. This year, the 2021 World Social Day highlights Úbuntu: I am Because We Are. This is the first theme of the Global…