
Social Dialogue Magazine: Issue 23


Welcome to Social Dialogue Issue 23

This issue on Social work through a black feminist lens came about as a result of several Black women asking if they could contribute to the magazine and how they could raise the issues of racism and discrimination they face as social workers. This edition by women authors from Nigeria, USA, Australia, Ghana, Italy, Japan, Canada, Puerto Rico, The Americas, Brazil and Liberia provides a vehicle to hear more about the deep-rooted history of racism towards women across the globe.

In the spirit of the world-wide Black Lives Matter activism which managed to reignite collective resistance to the ongoing issues that systematically and disproportionality impact black communities across the world, this edition of social dialogue draws attention to the intersection of gender, race and violence. It also invites communities to listen to these women voices and continue to work towards a racial and gender-based justice in our social work practice.
