EASSW Awards Nomination – Launch of Social Work Education Awards

EASSW Awards Nomination Launch of Social Work Education Awards In the development of its activity and pursuing its mission of promoting Social Work education in Europe, the EASSW is launching an award for educators, students, researchers, professionals, volunteers and service users which significantly contribute to an improvement of quality in Social Work Education (SWE).  The EASSW is honouring these…

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IASSW’s ADVANCING SOCIAL WORK SERIES with SpringerBriefs IASSW’s “ADVANCING SOCIAL WORK SERIES” with SpringerBriefs   CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS IASSW is pleased to announce that we will collaborate with Springerbriefs in publishing two book series: They feature leading national and international scholars reflecting on key social work practice, issues and debates, topics and innovative developments…

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World Social Work Day 2023 : Message from IASSW President

World Social Work Day 2023 : Message from IASSW President Happy World Social Work Day 2023 (WSWD).   This year  World Social Work Day will be celebrated on the 21st March 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Respecting diversity through joint social action ‘. Which relates to the third theme of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development 2020-2030. IASSW is sharing video messages from Prof. Annamaria Campanini, President International…

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IASSW UN NY WINTER 2023 NEWSLETTER The Newsletter highlights the recent UN Commission for Social Development and the increased emphasis on youth engagement at the UN. Main highlights of this Newsletter are as follows: Youth Focus at the United Nations Commission for Social Development (CSocD61) Orientation and Networking Opening Session for 61st Session of the…

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IASSW Announces The Release Of Social Dialogue Magazine # 27

IASSW Announces The Release Of Social Dialogue Magazine # 27   International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) has launched its volume 27 on “Wars and Armed Conflict : Voices from the Unheard “. IASSW Human Rights and Social Justice committee has gather articles for this 27th edition of the Social Dialogue : https://socialdialogue.online/sd27/00_contents.html  …

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