Loneliness, grief, pain and death in times of pandemic. A perspective from the profession (International Seminar of the Department of Social Work)

The COVID19 pandemic has vehemently broken into the workplace in which social workers display their professional roles and skills. But this irruption not only represents yet another new challenge in direct intervention processes and in the management of resources, services and benefits. This challenge is not a common challenge added to the many that our professionals already faced. COVID19 brings together an incalculable volume of emotions that forces us all to have the ability to control them, on pain of getting sick in other ways that would alter our existential balance. Of all of them, we wanted to pay attention, if possible, to the most painful: the loss of loved ones, fear of uncertainty and isolation from our life partners.

Venue and dates
From November 30 to December 2, 2020


Teaching hours: 20
1 ECTS credit (pending).
Live online assistance, without having to go to the associated center.
International Seminar programme