IASSW – International Project Final Report  7/22/19

Title of the Project

The Development of a Global Partnership to Further Social Work Education, Practice and Research in International Military Social Work.

Project Coordinator and Institutional Affiliation

Mary Ann Forgey, Ph.D., LCSW

Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service

113 West 60th Street

New York, NY 10023


Executive Summary

This international project involved the development and implementation of the first international military social work conference. Preliminary research identified 25 countries that employ social workers within their military. Through this research, subject matter experts within each country were identified and invited to participate. The conference was held from April 24-26, 2019 at the Thayer Hotel located on the U.S. West Point Military Academy, New York with a total of 30 participants from 16 countries. Prof. Adrian van Breda, from the University of Johannesburg gave the keynote about the model of military social work role in South Africa. Participants shared their approaches to military social work practice and the challenges faced and explored ways to continue this dialogue and facilitate collaboration in military social work practice, research and scholarship.

Detail report is available here:  IASSW Final Report – IMilSW Conference

Presentations are:

IMilSW Study PP FINAL West Point

Van Breda -West Point Keymote PP – MilSW in South Africa