Call for articles /submission Social Dialogue#21

Dear Colleagues,

In the next issue of social dialogue # 21 we would like to address the topic “What are the current issues facing social work education and practice in your country at this moment in history ” (PS  I  will think of shorter title later!). There are no specific guidelines or tips – just what you are working on now with regard to the profession and the many contemporary issues facing it currently.It would be useful for you to include your responses to the challenges as well as outlining  your concerns/issues 

 Please send abstract or article to me 

Date of submission: 02.08.19 Date of publication: October 2019

Length: 2,000 words (including references) Abstract (150 words) plus author(s) name and affiliation

Photos: Please include photos of authors and include some that highlight your articles topic, We will also include a profile of your school; update of your research; profile of teacher or student, curriculum development etc

Carolyn Noble ,Editor-in-Chief

Social Dialogue Online Magazine of International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)