International Capacity Building Seminar for Social Work Education, Tokyo, 2019

Presentation are as follows:


Darla Spence Coffey

National Representative of USA,

President and CEO, Council on Social Work Education

Coffey Presentation-Tokyo-Jan2019

Nino Zganec

Vice President of IASSW,

President of European Association of Schools of Social Work

NINO Presentation-Tokyo

Tan Ngoh Tiong

Treasurer of IASSW,

Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences

TIONG-Capacity Building Social Work Development in Singapore and Asia TAN 11 Dec 2018

Augusta Yetunde Olaore

Member at Large of IASSW

Director, Student Support Center and Head of Department, Social Work and Human Services, Babcock University, Nigeria

Augusta-Tokyo Presentation A1novideo

Mie Ohwa

Former National Representative of Japan

Dean and Professor of School of Social Work, Kwansei University

The state of social work education in Japan(Ohwa) (1)