International Capacity Building Seminar for Social Work Education, Tokyo, 2019

Theme: Current Issues and Future Developments of “Glocal” Social Work Education: Challenges for Constructing  Inclusive Society by “Glocal” Social Work


Social work now needs to respond to various challenges caused by complex and worldwide political, economic, social, and environmental conflicts and crises. These challenges include growing social and income gaps, social isolation for various groups and populations, as well as the destruction of life environments by climate change and disasters. These issues are no longer domestic but global in nature, although social work education tends to focus on traditional and narrowly defined domestic problems and methods.

In 2014, IASSW and IFSW revised the global definition of social work to emphasize the “glocal” nature of social work. The term “glocal” implies closer and more dynamic interaction between the local and global aspects of social work issues and practice. Furthermore, respect for diversity, as well as decolonization of the profession, are incorporated.

How do social work educators and practitioners cope with such demanding glocalizing needs? This seminar will provide significant insights from globally active social work educators/researchers who stand at the forefront of international/global social work education.


Date:January 13th, 14:00pm~17:00

Venue: Meiigakuin University Building No.3, 1F, Room 3202



Opening remark 1:President of IASSW, Dr. Annamaria Campanini  (5 min)

Opening remark 2: President of JASWE, Dr. Masakazu Shirasawa   (5 min)

Panel Discussion


Coordinator: Junko Wake   (10 min for introduction and staging)

IASSW National Representative of Japan,

Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University



Darla Spence Coffey (20 min)

National Representative of USA,

President and CEO, Council on Social Work Education

Tan Ngoh Tiong (20 min)

Treasurer of IASSW,

Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences

Nino Zganec (20 min)

Vice President of IASSW,

President of European Association of Schools of Social Work

Break (15 min)

Augusta Yetunde Olaore (20 min)

Member at Large of IASSW

Director, Student Support Center and Head of Department, Social Work and Human Services, Babcock University, Nigeria

Mie Ohwa (20min)

Former National Representative of Japan

Dean and Professor of School of Social Work, Kwansei University

Discussion (40 min)

Closing remark:Dr. Yasuhiro Kuroki (5 min)

Chair of International Committee, JASWE