IASSW express its grief and outrage at the mass shooting of at least 50 sexual and gender minority persons in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA. This massacre has been called the worst in US history. According to his father, the shooter was motivated because he saw two men kissing, and the act is being investigated by law enforcement as a hate crime. The shooting occurred in a legal, political, social, and religious context that not only makes hatred of sexual and gender minorities acceptable, but allows access to assault weapons to act on that hate. Once again, we see the horrific results. We stand in solidarity with our sexual and gender minority sisters, brothers and transpeople in Orlando and around the world. We call upon social workers and social work educators to continue to work tirelessly not merely to tolerate, but to celebrate human diversity. When we have grieved, we will recommit ourselves to work internationally to educate against hate, and to work everywhere for justice and inclusion.
Category: News and Updates