IASSW elections 2022: announcement of candidates
This is formal announcement of candidates standing for three positions on the IASSW Board of Directors. Their bio sketches and statements of all candidate translated into the IASSW official languages (Chinese, English, French, Japanese and Spanish): https://archive.iassw-aiets.org/elections/elections-2022/elections-2022-announcement-of-candidates/
- Electronic ballots for the 2021 election will be available on IASSW website to all paid up members on March 1, 2022.
- All voting will be on-line e-voting. No paper ballots will be accepted.
- The deadline for on-line e-voting is May 31st 2021.
It is important to mention that IASSW members have the entitlement to nominate additional candidates by a petition. Details are as follows:
IASSW members have the entitlement to nominate additional candidates by petition. If any member wishes to do so, petitions and all materials must be received by February 28, 2022.
- All petitions must include: both a full CV and a brief biographical statement of no more than 200 words of the proposed candidate; a photo of the nominee, and a statement of envisaged contribution by the nominee of no more than 400 words.
- The petition must include letters of support from 10 full members (from member schools) of IASSW from at least 3 different countries.
- The nominee must be an IASSW member.
- Only complete petition packets can be considered.
- Petitions and accompanying materials should be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Dr. Janet Walker at nominations@iassw-aiets.org