Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

  Social Service Workforce Week Day 1: Why We Need to Advocate for a Strong Workforce:   Social Service Workforce Week Day 2: How Does the Social Service Workforce Contribute to SDGs Related to Violence?

University of Swaziland-two positions

The social protection system technical assistance in the Kingdom of Swaziland (supproted by EU),  would like to recruit and employ non-key experts for short time in research teaching and field education specializations to assist the University of Swaziland. ToRs for the two positions are as below: ToR for NKE in Academic field education training ToR…

Terremoto en Mexico

La IASSW manifesta su apoyo y solidaridad con las víctimas y las personas afectadas del terremoto que ha sacudido hoy México,  causando destrucción y muertos. Una vez mas es la población más  pobre a pagar el precio más alto. Como profesores de Escuelas de Trabajo Social somos comprometidos a preparar trabajadores sociales que no solo  sean capaz de ayudar la population afectada en el momento critico y en…

Kigali March, 2018 conference

Kigali March, 2018 conference The East Africa Centre for Research and Innovation in Social Work (CRISOWO) is pleased to invite you to the International Social Work Conference that will take place from 20 to 22 March, 2018, to coincide with World Social Work Day. The conference will address the following theme: Professional Social Work and Sustainable…

IASSW Statement on Flood in various countries

 International Association of Schools of Social Work Statement on Flood in various countries The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) is appalled by the extensive human suffering, loss and grief and environmental damage caused by the recent monsoon season in Asia, especially in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.  China has also been badly…