Understanding day to day social work teaching, learning and practice during COVID-19:A global    perspective.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this survey. The analysis of your responses together with responses from colleagues around the world will help the IASSW understand academics’ and students’ experiences of Covid-19 and online teaching and learning, and advocate for social work and education and training that meets the needs of those delivering and receiving these services on transnational, international and national levels. At the beginning of the survey, you will find further details about the purpose of the research and information about concerning your voluntary consent to participate in this IASSW-inspired survey that drew on insights from the stories on its Covid-19 webpage. The survey will take you approximately 25 minutes to complete. We hope you will complete it to give us a wider range of countries than those currently on IASSW’s Covid-19 website. We would like a truly global picture of your experiences to emerge.

This research is headed by Professor Lena Dominelli (Chair, IASSW Disaster Interventions Committee, and at University of Sterling, Scotland) working with Professor Carin Cuadra (Malmö University, Sweden) and Dr Michael Wallengren-Lynch (Malmö University, Sweden).

If you wish to complete the questionnaire, please click on the link here:



Thank you!

Professor Lena Dominelli (Chair, IASSW Disaster Interventions Committee)

IASSW Survey for website