IASSW- Second Regional Resource Centre

IASSW- Second Regional Resource Centre In March 2017, the second IASSW RRC was launched in New Zealand, a collaboration between Massey University (lead), Whitireia New Zealand, Te Wananga o Aotearoa, Western Sydney University, and the University of the South Pacific Social Work Regional Resource Centre of Oceania A community of Pacific social work educators strengthening…

NASSW Honorary Award for 2018

NASSW Honorary Award for 2018 International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) congratulates Dr. Anna Metteri, Past President of Nordic Association of Schools of Social Work (NASSW) and Dr. Aina Lian Flem on receiving NASSW honorary prize for 2018. Very well deserved for their outstanding contribution to social work. The prize was handed out…

Congratulations Professor Mel Gray

Title of Emeritus Professor awarded to retiring scholar Professor Mel Gray The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) congratulates Professor Mel Gray on receiving the title of Emeritus Professor awarded in recognition of her impressive service, research and leadership by the University of Newcastle. After 38 years in academia, internationally renowned professor of social…

Global Agenda- 2020-2030

Dear colleagues and friends, As you know, we are approaching the end of the 2010-2020 Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. We are beginning the process of consultation for themes to be included within the 2020-2030 Global Agenda. Your contributions will be presented during the 2020 Joint IASSW-ICSW World Conference in Rimini (June…

IASSW plaque to CASWE

IASSW plaque to CASWE   IASSW President Annamaria Campanini offers a plaque to Prof. Yongxiang Xu, President of the China Association of Social Work Educator (CASWE) and responsible of the organisation of the first International Master in Social Work at ECUST University in Shanghai, as a sign of a deep appreciation of his work to…

IASSW President in Peking University China

IASSW President in Peking University China IASSW President Annamaria Campanini was invited to participate in 1st and 2nd November 2018, to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of social work in China and at the Peking University . During these 30 years China has realised a phenomenal progress, establishing a large number of social work…

IASSW: A call for International projects

IASSW: A call for International projects   IASSW annually invites proposals for projects, designed to advance social work education internationally. Grants of up to US $4.000 are available for proposals submitted by IASSW members that can be expected to contribute to the implementation of the IASSW Mission Statement, and to the enhancement of cooperation among schools of social work world-wide. This is…