The Global Agenda 2020 – 2030 – Consultation  On First Theme 2020-2022


The consultation on consolidating ideas from social workers around the world on the next Global Agenda is on-going. Please think and share your ideas to IASSW. The consultation on the proposed pillar for 2020-2022 ends on 30 August 2020. A unique Global Agenda email address has been created for feedback to the Global Task Force, namely:

What is our vision for social work and social development for the next ten years embedded in an overarching theme on solidarity?

What themes will help build that vision, starting with a theme for the first two years.


The decision to first focus on the theme for two years (2020-2022) is because of the uncertainty of the long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In doing so, we want to recognise the importance of social solidarity as the foundation for social work and social policy in response to the pandemic.

We are thus looking for a theme on social solidarity for the next two years that we can use to plan our World Social Work Days, regional conferences and the next global conference in 2022.


There is a proposal on the table with three options (A; B or C) to describe the first two years’ theme. We can (1) either choose one of the three listed below, OR (2) suggest something entirely differently if none of the following is an option for us:

A Reaching out and implementing all forms of solidarity

B Promoting connections between peoples & strengthening solidarity

C Recognising global connectedness and nurturing social solidarity


After the end of the consultation period, all submitted ideas would contribute to the Global Agenda of Social Work and Social Development in the next decade.

Contribute to the Global Agenda 2020-2030: