Profile Details
Name: Annamaria Campanini
Position within Board of Directors and Terms of Serving: President, 2016 to 2020 re-elected for 2020-2024
Affiliation and Position (other than IASSW): (Degrees): Professor in Social Work, Department of Sociology and Social Research University Milano Bicocca
Membership in organisations (other than IASSW): Founding Member, European Association of Social Work Research (ESWRA), Founding Member, Association Forum Europe-China, Member of the Task Force ESCO (European Skills/Competence, Qualification and Occupations); Past President, European Association of Schools of Social Work, Member and Past President, Italian Association of Teachers in Social Work (AIDOSS), Member of Editorial Board of International Social Work, Trabajo Social Global, Revista de Investigaciones en Intervencion Social, Journal of Social Interventions: Theory and Practice; Social Work Review- Revista de Asistenta Sociala, Revista Universitaria Trabajo Social Universidad de Valparaiso Chile, Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, Azarbe. Revista Internacional de Trabajo y Bienestar Social, Italian Sociological Review
Educational Qualification/s: (Degrees): Ph.D. in Sociology, Theory and Methodology of Social Work (Trieste University), Degree in Sociology (Urbino University), Diploma in Social Work (Parma University)
Languages written and spoken: Italian, English, French and Spanish
Interest Areas: Social work teaching, research and practice: Social work theory and methods, social work education, family social work, child protection, evaluation and research in social work, policy practice.
Current Activities: Teaching at BA, MA, PhD in Milano Bicocca University; providing lectures and conferences in different countries; writing for scientific journal and directing the Carocci collection “Servizio sociale oggi” (Social work today); evaluating social work education programs; participating as international expert in doctoral exams and co-tutoring PhD research at international level; acting as reviewer for many journals and for the Italian University Research Body (ANVUR); and providing continuing education for social services professionals. Many activities are also oriented to strengthen the quality of social work education in Italy and globally, to enhance the participation of scholars from different countries and speaking in sharing teaching experience, research and participating in international debates.